
Sheriff James E. Bailey, Sr.
P.O. Box 218
Fayette, MS 39069
Telephone: 601-786-3403
Fax: 601-786-6000
Welcome to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office webpage. We are a small office but dedicated team of sworn U.S. citizens and part-time auxiliary employees who continually strive to maintain a high standard of excellence and professionalism for the office. I hope you find our page informative and resourceful.
We are dedicated to the efficient and effective provision of Sheriff’s services to our community. Our commitment focuses on competent, expeditious and courteous services that enhance our citizen’s safety while providing value for their tax dollars.
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is the Chief Law Enforcement Agency for the County, providing services in patrol, criminal investigation and civil process. We also provide various services throughout the county including 24 hour patrol throughout the city of Fayette and Jefferson County.
We provide E911 Dispatch service for the Sheriff’s Office and assistance to Fayette Police Department, Search and Rescue and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks. We also assist the schools with potential problems they may encounter.
The criminal investigation area of the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for investigating various crimes committed in the County and City. These include homicides, suicides, narcotic violations, burglaries, identity theft, frauds and other felony level offenses as well as mental patients.
The criminal investigation area of the Sheriff’s Office consists of two criminal investigators along with the Sheriff, one crime scene investigator and one narcotics investigator. But because of our size other deputies know they may be called upon to assist with these details.
The patrol division (uniformed deputies) is responsible for the day to day patrolling of the County, responding to complaints and responding to crime scenes and crimes in progress. Patrolling officers often support the Fayette Police Department, State Troopers and Park Rangers when they have unusual occurrences. This is but a sketch of the duties and responsibilities that your Sheriff’s Office performs 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to officially welcome the citizens of Jefferson County/Fayette Mississippi and other visitors to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office official web page. Since taking office as Sheriff in April 1993, it has been one of my goals to provide more information to the public through the use of modern technology. To achieve this, we will be constantly working to make this more user friendly and enlightening.
Helen L. Hunter | J-25 | Secretary and Office Manager |
Delphine Sampson | J-12 | Jail Administrator |
Betty Johnson | J-10 | Dispatcher Supervisor, Data Entry Clerk |
James E. Bailey | J-3 | Investigator – 21 year veteran |
Bobby Bailey | Drug Enforcement Officer – 15 years | |
Robert F. Shelvy | J-8 | |
MacArthur Doss | J-6 | Canine Officer |
Anthony Green | J-4 | |
Derrick Stampley | J-14 | |
Phyllis Young | J-13 | |
Windell Mims | Courthouse Security | |
Darlean Walker | J-23 | |
Adrian Tenner | J-11 | |
Karen Simon | J-22 |
Correctional Facility
Sheriff Peter Walker is the Chief Executive Officer. Clifton Kahoo, Warden/Undersheriff is the Chief Administrator at the facility. He is directly responsible for ensuring the goals, mission and objectives of the facility are accomplished according to local policy and Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC).
The mission of the Jefferson/Franklin County Regional Correctional Facility is to provide a cost effective high degree of security for the citizens of this county and safety for both inmates and staff of the facility. It also recognizes that incarceration is in itself punishment. All inmates shall be held accountable for their actions and shall leave the correctional center no wrose physically, emotionally or physiologically than when they were incarcerated.
A positive atmosphere shall be created for both inmates and staff in accordance with County and State guidelines governing the facility and in addition to ACA policy. We shall provide a safe and secure environment for inmates, provide necessary training for correctional personnel and create a variety of programs, which provides inmates an opportunity to prepare themselves for introduction back into society. Incentives will be given to inmates based upon their behavior.
The staff and management of the Jefferson/Franklin County Regional Correctional Facility are committed to the preservation of basic human rights and dignity.
Contact Information:
Clifton Kahoo, Warden
279 Highway 33
P.O. Box 218
Fayette, MS 39069
Office Phone: 601-786-2284
Fax: 601-786-2289