E911 Office
Wanda Green, E911 Coordinator
P.O. Box 2329
1267 Main St.
Fayette, MS 39069
Telephone: 601-786-0311
Fax: 601-786-0213
Email: jefco911@bellsouth.net
Hours: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed weekends and holidays
Board Members:
Peter E. Walker, President
Helen Hunter, Secretary
Kenneth Coffie
Stella Gales
Tracy Collins
Ron Phillips

This office is responsible for addressing all structures in Jefferson County and Fayette, Mississippi. To coordinate addressing with the community, the postal service and telephone companies (landline and wireless). Also, to process requests for persons applying for an Emergency 911 address, assist the public with locating roads and streets (giving directions), communication to law enforcement agencies and issue county maps. These services are provided by this office at no charge.